Monday, March 5, 2012

still doing rail strips

So I think I have seven or eight strips glued into place on each rail. Going kinda slow, but I don't have enough clamps to do two rails at a time, so oh well. The rails were kinda sagging in between each rib/support due to clamping and gravity on the clamps which then bent the rails inward more than at each support. I noticed this once at about the 5th or so rail strip this weekend, so I cut out some extra support. I just made the ends of my rib supports basically, and glued them in between each rib, to help with the sagging. I was able to pull up the sagging too with the new supports, so I'm psyched they are working out, and did not add hardly any weight to the board. Here's a pic to explain because I'm assuming that paragraph didn't make sense...

New support in the middle

Almost there!

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