Wednesday, November 23, 2011


wow, long time no post. been busy with friends in town, busy at work, busy at home, etc. here's some pics to catch up...

Got out to surf on 11-11-11 with Mike and our mom who was in town! overcast day, but pretty fun

my mom surfed too! here she is smiling probably after taking a beating underwater

about to stand! unfortunately I didn't get any photos of her standing, but she did stand up a couple of times! she was pumped obviously, as were we

again, my photo skills took the photo just before standing

mike catching a small one on the handplane. we all three ended up bodysurfing in the end and all caught the same wave right at 11:11 AM on 11-11-11. yea, it was awesome!

Here's some recent progress (slow progress) on my wooden board I'm making. Maybe you'll have to enlarge the picture to see it but here's the full drawn out spine and rib cross sections. I tried learning one new computer program to do this, but couldn't quite get it down to be able to do a 3-d model of this. It'll take some more time to learn that one, or another one, and the next board will be modeled that way first, which will make it much easier to draw out and redraw any modifications of it in pencil and paper. Oh and a computer program is much more accurate than me measuring out certain points, connecting dots, using French curves, and just standing back and saying "yea that looks good!" in my head. Oh and having an actual 3D model would show that it's smooth from cross section to cross section too, which would again be nice. But whatever!

Here's the spine and cross sections of the ribs (half) cut out and about to be traced onto the wood that I'll cut them out of. More to come on this obviously.

It was my birthday on Sunday. Very Sweet. This is no ordinary cake....

It's a brownie cheesecake! Holy s*** it was good!

Mike and I went out to surf in the morning, and despite the windy conditions, overcast-about-to-rain skies, and minimal waves, it was so much fun! We only stayed out about an hour due to the wind really picking up, but it was pretty awesome to be out and catch a few on my birthday with my brother. Very awesome.

SkiesThe old man (Mike) and the sea

Since it started raining right after surfing, we hung out most of the day and cooked and Mel made us black bean and sweet potato enchiladas for lunch! so flippin good!

Right before sunset we decided to go over to a park nearby to hike around some in the rain. It was pretty enjoyable and an awesome way to end the day.


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