Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Beer brewing!

So.... I bought a beer making kit last week from Stein Fillers, and we brewed it up this weekend! Mira las fotos!

First we boiled the grains up with about a gallon of water. Then drained and rinsed them and kept the water

Then we added some more water, and got it boiling, and then added the malt extract! BAM!
Pro status
Next the boiling hops, Tettnanger, was added and boiled for about 45 minutes.

Cameron continued to sand his hand plane out back. Smooth as butter.
so yea, a few steps were skipped here, but you get the pictures. now it's in the fermenting bucket in the closet for two weeks! then to bottling!


  1. do you not refrigerate it as it ferments?

  2. Nope, stays at a little bit under room temperature. Therefore it's being kept in a cool dark closet. Some beers are more particular about the temperature in which they ferment, such as lagers. The type we got is a bit more forgiving.
